Enzo Pastor

Aquino says ‘strong lead’ in Enzo Pastor murder case; police cautious

After the murder case of Ferdinand “Enzo” Pastor was mentioned by President Benigno Aquino III in his State of the Nation Address (Sona) on Monday, police have become extra careful in divulging leads on the case. The…

‘Breakthrough’ hoped for in Enzo Pastor murder case

Following the announcement of a P1-million reward for leads in the murder of racing driver Ferdinand “Enzo” Pastor, the parents of the slain sportsman are hopeful that people responsible for the June 13 murder would soon be…

Revamp in QCPD sought after Pastor murder

An anticrime watchdog said that a change in the QCPD leadership was in order. With the Quezon City Police District still facing a blank wall concerning Thursday’s murder of racing champ Ferdinand “Enzo” Pastor, the anticrime group said…

16 int’l drivers, 8 Nascar cars set to race in PH

Barely a year after Philippine motorsport got embroiled in a controversial Nascar event in the United States, a group of Filipino racing enthusiasts are hoping to erase that stigma by bringing Nascar here and creating an international…