Taal Volcano

Safety driving tips through volcanic ash fall

  If you live anywhere near Taal Volcano, you would undoubtedly know about the on-going eruption, and that ash fall has reach far north. Volcanic ash isn’t just hazardous to humans, animals and vegetation. Our cars are…

‘Suspend truck ban for animal rescues during disasters’—PAWS

  During natural (and even man-made) calamities, time is of the essence when conducting rescue efforts for both humans and animals. This was evident during the recent evacuation of communities from the danger zones around the violent…

Taal and green: Taking the new Ford Ecosport for a spin

THE EPIPHANY hit me just a few meters before reaching the lip of Taal Volcano’s main crater lake—not the often-photographed Binintiang Malaki, the conical mass on the island’s right side if you are viewing one of the…